Traditional Cologne used in Hoodoo, Voodoo, Santeria, and many more practices of the diaspora.
In spiritual practices, Florida Water cologne is used for cleansing and purification. You can use this cologne to cleanse room space - put a few drops in your floor wash to cleanse or dab a few drops on you to cleanse your energy quickly during the day. We also use this cologne during spiritual services.
Florida Water Cologne
This is a 7.5oz plastic bottle.
The enduring popularity of world-famous Florida Water® is due to its wonderful light floral scent with lemon overtones. Unchanged since 1808, this revitalizing scent is used as an invigorating splash, aftershave, or fragrant addition to the bath. For more than 200 years men and women have loved the Florida Water® scent, named for the Fountain of Youth.